Fri, 3/4/22 - Campus Mask Update: Optional
During the summer of 2021, Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) was mandated by New Jersey Governor's Executive Order 251 to require masks indoors for staff, students, and visitors of all public, private, and parochial preschools and K-12 premises. Governor Murphy on February 7, 2022 announced the statewide plan to lift the COVID-19 mask requirement in schools beginning Monday, March 7, 2022. Because of this anticipated change and after consultation with the RCSJ Pandemic Operating Task Force, the College has elected to follow the updated State of New Jersey and CDC guidance ending mandatory mask wearing effective Monday, March 7, 2022.
Mask wearing is encouraged for anyone who needs or wants the protection a mask offers. RCSJ will continue to provide masks throughout the semester in each classroom and across both campuses. State Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli stated, “while masks will not be required by the state as of March 7, they remain an important part of a layered approach against COVID-19 and are recommended in certain circumstances." Please be considerate and respect everyone's choices based on their unique circumstances.
In addition to removing the campus mask requirement and in keeping with the CDC's February 25, 2022 announcement, mask wearing will not be required on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems. This includes the shuttle for Rowan Choice students and athletic van transportation.
Changes to On Campus Guidelines
- Masks are optional on all campuses except in the following cases:
- In healthcare clinical settings (where mask wearing is mandatory);
- When you are instructed to wear a mask by a healthcare provider;
- When you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19;
- If you feel ill with upper respiratory symptoms or you are COVID-positive, and must isolate.
Campus Guidelines that Remain
- Vaccines are required for employees, specific student cohorts, and strongly recommended for students.
- If you do not feel well, please stay home. You will not be penalized. Reach out to your professors who will work with you.
- Exposure form completion and contact tracing are still required.
- Classroom seating charts are still required.
- Your mental health and general wellness are key to your success. The Wellness Centers are here and ready to talk with you and offer help. Employees may seek confidential support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
- Click here for Basic Needs Resources
- Call the Employee Assistance Program:
- Gloucester: (856)-770-5750
- Cumberland: (800)-832-8902
- Please note the College guidelines are subject to change due to CDC recommendations and federal, state, or local public health guidance.
Dates to Note
- September 6, 2022 – Fall semester begins
Recent Updates
Wed, 01/19/22- Welcome Back!
Wed, 01/19/22- Welcome Back!
The holiday season and winter break are already behind us and we are looking forward to a new and hopeful spring. You have probably heard “New Year, New You” before, and we present the concept to you today with the College joining you as we are all pandemic weary and looking to move forward. The Omicron variant put a damper on many family celebrations as more and more individuals tested positive for COVID-19 and we are all looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. The Pandemic Operating Task Force continues to meet and discuss CDC, state, and local health department guidelines. Keeping up to date with the latest guidance is challenging and ever-changing, therefore we ask that any COVID-19 exposures be reported through the exposure form located in the Portal and on the website. From there, you will receive an individualized response from Dr. Hall, RCSJ Medical Director, who will ask you questions and formulate a plan for your next steps. Below are a few reminders as you return to campus.
COVID-19 Reporting Form
- We have streamlined the reporting
process for COVID-19 exposure. Please use the following links to report
your COVID-19 related concern for contact tracing purposes.
- Gloucester students, click here
for the COVID-19
Reporting Form
- Cumberland students, click here
for the COVID-19 Reporting Form
Guidelines While on Campus
- If you
do not feel well, stay home! You will not be penalized. Reach out to your
professors and they will work with you.
- Vaccination for the general
student population is not required but strongly recommended.
- Currently, all student-athletes, special admissions health professions students, and student
workers must be vaccinated, or have an approved exemption, which requires
regular testing.
- Masks are always required while
- Masks are available to those
who need one.
- Plastic shield barriers are in
each classroom and in office spaces.
- Hand sanitizer is available
throughout the campus.
- Seating charts will be used in
the classroom to enable a streamlined contact tracing system.
- Your mental health and general
wellness are very important. Please take the time to take care of
yourself, and if you need someone to speak with, contact our Wellness
- Please note, College
guidelines are subject to change due to CDC
recommendations, and federal, state, local, or public health
Additional Surface and Air Quality Measures
- Cleaning procedures will
continue to follow the CDC guidelines, which includes concentration on
high-touch locations.
- UVC light filtration has been
installed in the HVAC systems on both campuses.
- Outdoor air is pumped into
buildings through the HVAC system on a regular schedule
Registration Information
There is still time to add a class to your schedule!
Flex Start sessions begin February 21, March 21 and April 4.
Academic Options:
- On campus: face-to-face
meeting in a traditional classroom
- Traditional online: asynchronous
- Live Online: live
lectures delivered virtually
- Hybrid: mix
of online and on campus
Visit for more descriptions on the four academic delivery options.
Have a safe and successful spring semester!
Tue, 08/10/21- Campus Return Updates
On August 2, 2021, employees on both campuses returned to the office continuing our mission as a student-centered, in-person services college. A collaborative effort across departments saw a successful launch on the “Ready, Reset, Go!" campaign to reengage our students. Campus tours are filling up rapidly with more options added weekly, and the "Reset" events are currently in full swing. “Go" is a welcome back event scheduled for the last week of August before classes begin on September 1. We are moving forward with our plan to welcome students back; however, with the most recent recommendations from the CDC and New Jersey executive order 251 requiring masks indoors for staff, students, and visitors of all public, private, and parochial preschools and K-12 premises, the College will also now require masks while indoors, effective immediately.
Guidelines While on Campus
- Vaccines are not required but are strongly recommended.
- If you are interested in receiving the vaccine, both campuses are offering them to students and employees. For dates and times, please visit the COVID-19 Vaccine information webpage.
- Both College campuses cannot accommodate additional family members at their locations. The general public who wish to receive the vaccine can visit the following webpages to schedule at the centers in Gloucester and Cumberland counties.
Gloucester County Vaccines.
Cumberland County Vaccines.
Effective immediately, masks are required at all times while indoors.
Masks are available to those who need one.
Plastic shield barriers are in each classroom and in office spaces.
Hand sanitizer is available throughout the campus.
- Seating charts will be used in the classroom to enable a streamlined contact tracing system.
- Please note, College guidelines are subject to change due to CDC recommendations, and federal, state, local, or public health guidance.
Additional Surface and Air Quality Measures
- Cleaning procedures will continue to follow the CDC guidelines, which includes concentration on high-touch locations.
- UVC light filtration has been installed in the HVAC systems on both campuses.
- Outdoor air is pumped into buildings through the HVAC system on a regular schedule.
These decisions have been made with guidance from the College Re-Opening Committee and approved through the Cabinet. Please be well, stay safe, and we will keep you informed, as the situation develops.
Academic Options
We understand that some students may be uncomfortable with in-person instruction, and have already registered for face-to-face courses. Work with your advisor to find the best fit for you since classes are filling quickly. Please take the time now to consider one of the four academic delivery options available.
On campus: face-to-face meeting in a traditional classroom
Traditional online: asynchronous course
Live Online: live lectures delivered virtually
Hybrid: mix of online and on campus
Visit for more descriptions on the four academic delivery options.
Registration Information
Fall classes on both campuses begin September 1.
Flex Start sessions begin October 4, October 25 and November 8.
Campus Updates
There have been a few building name changes on both campuses. Please take the time to review both campus maps.
Wed, 06/16/21-Returning to Campus
As the world and New Jersey continue to move in the direction of reopening and finding the balance of a new normal, Rowan College is also taking steps to re-engage. This has been a long and challenging journey, and while we are reaching better days, there is still much work to be done in connecting with our community and our students. This means we must engage not only remotely, but in-person with coworkers to reassure and guide our students forward with an intentional focus on future growth.
Three-Tiered Return Plan
- July 6, 2021: Employees begin conducting business in a hybrid format where some of their time will be in-person on campus. These schedules are determined at the discretion of area Vice Presidents or Special Assistants.
- August 1, 2021: Employees return to their respective positions and schedules on campus fully in-person.
- September 1, 2021: Employees, faculty and students fully engage, ready and reset for a strong beginning of the fall semester.
We are able to present this plan based on updated Executive Orders from the Governor, but also due to our community engagement as a vaccination location and communication surrounding it. The Gloucester campus served as a megasite vaccination center, allowing College employees and students easy access to vaccination. In Cumberland County, the RCSJ campus was made available to the county and Inspira, serving as a drive-thru site for administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. With readily available vaccination options, we anticipate that everyone who wanted a vaccine has now received one and is enjoying the peace of mind that protection provides.
Human Resources will provide additional details to guide employees on the rules of engagement.
Re-engaging with our Students
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign was developed with the goal and intention of informing the public and our students that we are open and prepared to support them as they return to campus. The PSA is called Ready, Reset, Go! And the Communications and Marketing department is working with Student Services to brand and market re-engagement activities this summer. It is not lost on us that last year's incoming class has never stepped foot on campus. We anticipate student apprehension and have seen a trend from both campuses in part-time enrollment. Students may not feel ready to handle a full-time course load. One goal of these events is to make them feel comfortable enough to pick up another class or two. There will be three engagement opportunities.
- Ready = Come take a tour
- Reset = Engage further through a workshop
- Go! = new student welcome events throughout the week of August 23
These engagement opportunities will be advertised on the website at
Academic Delivery
The College will continue to support options and flexibility for our students. Live Online became a popular learning option and will remain available. The academic delivery options are:
- On campus: face-to-face meeting in a traditional classroom
- Traditional online: asynchronous course
- Live Online: live lectures delivered virtually
- Hybrid: mix of online and on campus
Registration Information
Fall classes on both campuses begin September 1.
Flex Start sessions begin October 4, October 25 and November 8.
We're Ready!
At RCSJ, we're ready to reignite the spark of learning and reset for the future! The pandemic hit the academic community hard. So many dreams were put on hold, but those dreams cannot be put on hold any longer. We have essential programs in place to support our students wherever they may be on the path to recovery. Daily cleaning procedures are taking place because everyone's safety is our top concern. We encourage vaccinations and will continue to follow CDC and NJ Department of Health guidelines.
We're ready. You're ready. Let's reset and GO!
Are you nervous about returning to campus? We are here to help you get Ready, Reset, and GO! Take advantage of one of our Reset events this summer. It's two hours to get acclimated to your campus and you may even win a laptop! Visit and choose the RESET button.
Student Support Resources
- For technology support specific to the need for a laptop or Wi-Fi hotspot, please apply for this scholarship on your respective campus.
- For academic support, reach out to tutoring early in the semester, make use of the library resources, and engage in a two-way conversation with your professors.
- For wellness support, reach out to the center on your campus.
Registration and Payment Plan Information
- Fall classes begin September 1 for both campuses.
- Flex Start sessions begin on October 4, Oct.25, and Nov. 8.
- Sign up for a payment plan.
Fri, 1/08/21- Proud to be One of New Jersey’s 6 Mega-Site Vaccination Locations
During this historic time in our country, Rowan College of South Jersey is honored to have an important role in the state-wide initiative to administer the COVID-19 vaccines. As one of New Jersey’s six mega-sites, there will be more traffic than normal on our campus. Please know that members of the New Jersey National Guard and State Police will be on site to receive and assist our guests, and that our campus will remain operational.
Vaccination hours will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week. Registration is required through the state vaccination website. All traffic will be directed to enter the campus from Tanyard Road, and parking will be in E Lot. During this time, all traffic will be one way, exiting on Blackwood-Barnsboro Road.
If you are interested in receiving the vaccine, you will need to complete the pre-registration form. From there, you will receive notification when you are approved to report for your vaccine.
Details can be found on our
Vaccine page. We will continue to update the page with information as it is made available.
Tue, 6/06/21- Commencement Announcement
As we approach the end of the spring semester at Rowan College of South Jersey, we continue to be impressed with our students for their ability to adapt and excel in the face of adversity, our faculty for their dedication and support of student success, and our employees as they navigate a hybrid work situation to ensure students receive the virtual and in-person services they require.
In this moment, we are struck by the realization that most among the freshman class have not yet walked through our doors, and some may have anxiety about navigating RCSJ’s campuses in fall if they choose an in-person course. Please know that we are working on plans to ease this transition while accommodating those who wish to continue with online learning, and we will communicate with you as updates develop. For now, remain steadfast in your courses and finish strong.
Commencement Week 2021 We are eager to celebrate Rowan College of South Jersey’s second graduating class in a way that is safe and meaningful. To bypass the large crowds that come with a traditional commencement ceremony, we will instead hold a Parade of Graduates the week of May 10 on both campuses. Participating graduates will have an opportunity to drive up to the stage with their families in one vehicle, the graduate will then exit the vehicle, walk across the stage in full regalia, pose for a professional photo, exit the stage, and return to their vehicle. More details are available on the
Commencement page.
Continued Vigilance The vaccination effort in our country is moving along and we are hopeful that appointments will soon become available to all who wish to receive a vaccine. We ask that all members of the College community continue to follow CDC guidelines regardless of vaccination status, and wear your mask, wash your hands, and maintain an appropriate distance from others. We are proud to continue offering the Gloucester campus as a vaccination mega-site, and hope that it is a point of pride for you as well.
Mon, 12/14/20- Preparing for Spring 2021
2021 is going to be a big year for all of us. The year you refuse to accept limitations, create your own definition of success, and forge a unique path to the future of your choosing. This is your year and Rowan College of South Jersey is your school.
At RCSJ we have held the tuition, reimbursed payment plan fees and opened new technology support opportunities in an effort to eliminate barriers to your success. We announced that the spring 2021 semester would be an online academic delivery in an effort to keep you safe. This announcement came before registration opened so you would have certainty in what you will receive, as well as provide you continuity between the semesters.
The online program delivery fee is not new, however, students who were enrolled in fall 2020 face-to-face courses were not charged an online fee when those courses were shifted to Live Online education due to Governor Murphy's executive orders surrounding the pandemic. With the announcement of spring 2021 being online, the online program delivery fee applies. The College always strives to offer affordable education and even with this additional fee, RCSJ is proud to offer one of the lowest tuitions in New Jersey.
Many colleges in New Jersey charge an online course fee to help offset the additional expenses associated with delivering courses online. These costs include purchasing new technology licenses, digital security protections and server considerations. At RCSJ, our goal is to deliver a high-quality online experience with the most security for your privacy.
Student Support Resources
- For technology support specific to the need for a laptop or Wi-Fi hotspot, please apply for this scholarship on your respective campus.
- For academic support, reach out to tutoring early in the semester, make use of the library resources, and engage in a two-way conversation with your professors.
- For wellness support, reach out to the center on your campus.
Registration and Payment Plan Information
- Spring classes begin January 19 for both campuses.
- Flex Start sessions begin February 22 and March 22.
- Sign up for a payment plan.
Mon, 11/23/20- Happy Thanksgiving!
The holiday season is upon us and many of you are looking forward to some time off, good food and family gatherings. This year is going to look very different and we urge you to take precautions and follow CDC and state guidelines for gatherings. It is extremely difficult and everyone is weary, however, we must remain vigilant as we watch the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise. Please continue to wear your masks, wash your hands, monitor your health and maintain physical distance. Know that you are not alone and we remain here for you to connect one-on-one. The Wellness Centers from Gloucester, Cumberland, and Rowan Choice continue to meet every Tuesday at 12 p.m. for a virtual face-to-face chat called Let's Talk, which offers students an opportunity to socially engage with one another.
Let me also take a moment to commend you for continuing to persevere in a situation none of us could prepare for, or imagine happening. You are navigating family, work and education while battling countless other challenges, and each situation is unique. This is remarkable and you deserve to hear congratulations from myself and everyone at RCSJ. Please remain steadfast in your fall courses, and if you have not planned your spring schedule, take some time to meet with your advisor. We are here to keep you moving forward.
Registration Information
Registration for winter and spring 2021 is open.
Winter classes at Gloucester begin December 7. Winter classes at Cumberland begin December 14. Spring classes begin January 19 for both campuses. Flex Start sessions begin February 22 and March 22.
Fri, 10/16/2020- Academic Stability
Planning for Spring 2021
Academic Stability for Spring 2021
Financial Support
We are halfway through the Fall 2020 semester and remain cautious, yet optimistic for the future. Many College employees are in a hybrid work situation, allowing us to open both campuses to serve our students. The RCSJ Medical Advisory Group has continued to meet regularly to evaluate current local, state and CDC information, as well as monitor how our students are handling the virtual learning environment. Our students’ ability to succeed in their courses along with their safety is important to us, and we continue to adjust and make improvements with their needs in mind. Below details the plan to keep you and RCSJ moving forward through Spring 2021.
On Wednesday, October 14, via a virtual Town Hall, President Keating announced the recommendation from the RCSJ Medical Advisory Group to keep the academic delivery predominantly online for the spring 2021 semester. The driving factors in this decision were student and faculty safety as well as academic stability and continuity for the students. Rather than change directions at the halfway point of the academic year, RCSJ will provide consistency in how courses will be delivered, which will remain traditional online, live online, and hybrid for a select few courses. Both campuses will continue to be open, allowing students to use the libraries and computer labs. Staff will be on-site, however, virtual appointments are preferred for advising and other student services.
RCSJ will be holding the tuition and fees stable at $152 per credit, which is the lowest tuition rate in New Jersey. We encourage every student to complete the FAFSA, which is your ticket to finding funding resources such as free tuition through the Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG). The school code for the FAFSA is 006901. Along with completing the FAFSA, students can seek support through the Foundation offices. Each campus has a Foundation with applications for “Life Happens” and technology support. Apply to the
Gloucester Life Happens/Technology scholarship here. Apply to the
Cumberland Life Happens/Technology scholarship here. Look for communication from your respective campus Foundation about additional scholarship opportunities.
Academic Support
Wellness Support
The online environment can be challenging for many students, and we want to ensure your success. There are training videos available at our
Learning Online website, and we strongly encourage you to engage in two-way conversations with your professor. If you are struggling with the content, or want to boost your grade from a B to an A, tutoring is available to every student. Check our website for a list of
Available Resources.
It may be difficult to feel connected to faculty, staff, and other students while following social distance recommendations. The Wellness Centers from Gloucester, Cumberland, and Rowan Choice meet every Tuesday at 2 p.m. for a virtual face-to-face chat called Let's Talk, which offers students an opportunity to socially engage with one another, as well as develop coping strategies for dealing with the stresses of life, school and of course, the pandemic. Launched at the start of the fall semester,
Let's Talk will continue to be offered during the spring 2021 semester.
Where to Find Information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Bookstore: Need information about your book rentals and obtaining books for the upcoming semester? Visit the
Available Resources Site and click on Bookstore.
Additional Student Services: The most current information about virtual services are listed on our
Available Resources Site.
Mon, 7/20/2020- Plans for a Safe Return
A Plan with YOU in Mind
As always, the health and safety of our RCSJ community is our top priority. To accomplish our goal of opening campus, we have
developed an extensive plan that offers safe and flexible options for participation in classes and activities in compliance with government directives, public health guidance and higher education best practices.
The Fall semester will begin as scheduled on Tuesday, September 1, and will conclude on
Monday, December 14. Courses for the Fall semester will be delivered as
online, hybrid, and live online (real-time class meetings using Zoom).
Existing Registrations May Have Been Converted
If you registered for face to face courses please access your class schedule to see if your
courses have been converted to Live Online, Hybrid, or Online.
The online course fee has been waived if you registered for a course that has been converted prior to July 15th, 2020.
Learning Online in Fall 2020
We've compiled questions received over the recent months into
a comprehensive FAQ. Additionally, we've outlined the available course options for Fall to help you understand what's available and how RCSJ plans on delivering an innovative, effective, and safe Fall 2020.
Where to Find Information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Bookstore: Need information about your book rentals and obtaining books for the summer? Visit the
Available Resources Site and click on Bookstore.
Additional Student Services: the most current information about virtual services are listed on our
Available Resources Site.
Fri, 5/1/2020- End of Semester Information
Please let me take a moment to acknowledge the enormous challenges you each have faced during the past six weeks, and continue to experience as we remain under Governor Murphy’s stay-at-home Executive Order. Transitioning to remote learning mid-semester was not something you had planned to tackle when you signed up for your spring classes; however, here you are — preparing to cross the finish line to Spring 2020!
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
You may have read about the CARES Act and the financial aid it provides to colleges and universities. At least 50 percent of the funds an institution receives must be reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. We are working on the logistics for dispersing funds to our students following the federal stipulations for disbursement. Information on the distribution of funds will be provided on the Coronavirus webpage.
Academic Grades
Once again, we wanted to emphasize the College’s decision to keep its traditional grading system in place this semester. This decision was made after very careful consideration, keeping your best interest and future academic success and professional lives in mind. While moving to a Pass/Non-Credit option may provide relief for you in the short-term, it would almost certainly have hindered your future transfer opportunities to four-year universities, selective program admission opportunities, athletic eligibility, financial aid and loan funding for your future studies and entrance into the workforce. We do not want to put your future success, both financially and academically, at risk. As we near the end of the term, make sure you are in constant communication with your faculty concerning your successful course completion. They are the content experts and they know how to support your academic success.
To Our Graduates
Although we have decided to postpone the 2020 Commencement Ceremony, it is important for us to acknowledge our graduates. You are the first graduating class of Rowan College of South Jersey, and we are extremely proud of you attaining your goal. While this is not the experience any of us had planned, we want to make sure you still receive your ceremonial regalia. An email with instructions specific for graduates will be sent in the coming week. In addition, you can expect to receive your announcements, diploma jacket and a gift commemorating this wonderful accomplishment delivered to the address we currently have on file. We encourage you to dress in your cap and gown, hold your diploma jacket and take pictures to share this proud moment with family, friends and RCSJ. We will scan social media for #RCSJ2020 and share photos with that hashtag. Please note that your actual diploma and an official transcript will also be sent later in the summer.
We are working on plans to hold an on-campus 2020 Commencement Ceremony, but considering the current situation, it is too soon to select a date. We will continue communicating plans with our graduates.
To Our Continuing Students
Keep pursuing your dreams! We applaud your resilience and perseverance in these challenging times, and we will continue to be here supporting you as you move forward to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, at this time we cannot provide a definitive answer on exactly how the fall semester will be structured, however we will see you through your educational journey. In the meantime, we are in this together and will emerge stronger than ever.
Where to Find Information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Bookstore: Need information about your book rentals and obtaining books for the summer? Visit the
Available Resources Site and click on Bookstore.
Additional Student Services: the most current information about virtual services are listed on our
Available Resources Site.
Tue, 4/7/2020- All Summer Sessions Moving Online
For the safety of our students, and in continuation of following Governor Murphy's
Executive Order No. 107, the Medical Advisory Group at RCSJ has made the decision to continue social distancing by offering all summer sessions online. This extends the academic online delivery calendar through August 25, 2020.
The Advisory Group continues to meet daily to discuss College plans, and will continue to do so as we look to the fall semester.
In this time of uncertainty, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and apprehensive. All of us, the world over, are living through a time no one has experienced before. One thing is certain: We're still here for you!
The entire College is continuing its daily work to ensure we meet the needs of our students. All of the services you had received face-to-face have been transitioned online, and a resource page has been created to help you navigate them.
Available Departments and Resources
Don't surrender your dreams. When our daily lives finally return to normal, we will be stronger than ever. We are in this together.
Campus Wi-Fi during on-campus COVID-19 testing
As testing dates are announced, we will email students to keep them informed. On Wednesday, April 8 and Thursday, April 9, both the Gloucester and Cumberland campuses will be used as testing sites.
Gloucester Campus
During testing days, the F Lot will remain open for Gloucester students to access the Wi-Fi. This is the faculty/staff parking lot next to the Instructional Center. Please access the campus from the East College Drive entrance located off Blackwood Barnsboro Road.
Cumberland Campus
During testing days, the G Lot will remain open for Cumberland students to access the Wi-Fi. This is the large lot next to the Fine & Performing Arts Center as you enter the north entrance of the campus.
Campus Wi-Fi maps are located online on our
Campus Wireless Site
Where to find information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Fri, 3/27/2020- Update on Student Grading
On Monday, March 23, 2020, the College transitioned all academic delivery and student services support to an online virtual environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Murphy’s
Executive Order No. 107 instructing all residents to stay at home until further notice. Our collective new reality as virtual educators and learners officially begins collectively on Monday, March 30, 2020. Students are the true heart and soul of the college, and the employees of the college are all fully committed to the vision that students should still receive the same quality academic instruction and student support throughout the remainder of the spring semester on both campuses while we navigate this virtual campus environment.
Academic Grading Structure:
After very careful consideration of your best interest for your academic success this semester, the college has decided to keep your traditional grading in place. This is being done to protect you, the student, in your future academic and professional lives as you prepare to transfer to other four-year partner schools or enter into the workforce. While moving to a Pass/Non-Credit option may provide relief for you in the short-term, it would very likely hinder your future transfer opportunities, selective program admission opportunities, athletic eligibility, and financial aid and loan opportunities. This is a position we do not want to put you in for your future success.
In order to continue continuity of your academic coursework, including the grading scheme you had started the semester with, RCSJ has made the following updates to support your decisions.
The final date to withdraw, from your courses that have not yet ended, has been extended to April 27, 2020 for all campuses. This will allow adequate time for you to adapt and succeed with the support of your caring faculty in the virtual environment.
If you are unable to complete the new coursework delivered in the virtual environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic and you are in good academic standing in the course, you also have the option of speaking with your instructor to take an Incomplete. This option will allow you the opportunity to complete the coursework during either the summer or fall term, at no additional cost to you, to achieve your academic goals.
These options will prepare you for your future in the most efficient, cost effective and transfer-friendly method available. Due to the variety of options provided for you to successfully complete your coursework, students will not receive refunds for the Spring 2020 term.
Behind the scenes, we have been highly engaged in thoughtful discussion, planning and execution that may be invisible to the public, but we want to reassure you that in these times of uncertainty, we are certain that we have the best faculty and staff who can continue to provide you with excellent instruction and quality support services.
Student Support:
To ensure you have access to services and receive answers please visit the following website:
This is the location where you will find available resources and an opportunity to ask questions of the staff across the college that are ready and willing to support you in this new environment we are in together.
Vital student support services are available remotely for each campus to support you in your drive to succeed. These include, but are not limited to, Academic Support and Tutoring, Advisement and Retention, Counseling & Wellness, Financial Aid/Scholarships, Military Services, Disability Special Services, Student and Judicial Affairs and Student Life, as well as the grant support provided by Las Vias, EOF, SSS/TRIO and HSI STEM.
These are certainly unprecedented times we are experiencing and collectively we will get through this. Please know that the college is here to protect your future and support you in your academic goals. The employees and students are all in this together, and we are confident that we will emerge as a strong, unified community of Rowan College of South Jersey. Unfortunately, no one knows exactly when we will return to campus. In the meantime, communicate with your professors and college staff, especially if you have any questions, issues, or concerns that may arise so we can address them promptly.
You should be logging into your courses through eLearning or Blackboard as soon as possible to see the revised structure for your courses. For questions regarding your coursework, please contact your instructor as they are your primary contact for content and they are the content experts. For questions regarding your academic future, enrollment and plans, please contact your academic advisors. For important information about using eLearning please visit and if you are worried about doing poorly in online classes please visit For general questions regarding the Academic plan, feel free to contact Dr. Brenden Rickards, Provost and Vice President, Academic Services at
[email protected]
As everything continues to unfold and evolve, we encourage you to check your college email and the College website regularly for updates.
We wish you success this spring semester as you pursue your academic goals and continued good health and safety.
Dr. Brenden Rickards, Provost and Vice-President, Academic Services
Dr. Jim Piccone, Vice President, Branch Campus
Judith Atkinson, Vice President, Student Services
Wed, 3/25/2020 Commencement Postponed
All events through Friday, May 15, 2020 will be postponed. This includes Commencement on both campuses.
The Medical Advisory Group at Rowan College of South Jersey made this difficult decision after following updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as from county, state and federal resources. On Saturday, March 21, New Jersey Governor Murphy signed
Executive Order No. 107 instructing all residents to stay at home until further notice. RCSJ is following the order and at the end of business Wednesday, March 18, all RCSJ locations have closed until further notice. Both campuses have been cleaned and are locked down. Only restricted, essential personnel will be permitted on campus.
Academic Grading
As we approach the beginning of the second half of the Spring Semester online, we are closely examining the implications of adjustments to the grading structure. An announcement about any changes will be released soon.
RCSJ Parking Lot Wi-Fi Access at Cumberland and Gloucester
For students without internet access RCSJ has provided temporary outdoor Wi-Fi which you can access from a vehicle in specific parking lot locations. For College map locations please visit the
Parking Lot Wi-Fi page. For additional third-party options please visit view some
Internet Access Options.
College Calendar as of 03/25/2020
- March 16–May 15: All events at all RCSJ locations are postponed, including Commencement.
- March 16–May 15: RCSJ Medical Advisory Group continues to meet virtually to monitor the situation in order to make further decisions, which will be informed by the College Emergency Operation Plan and county, state and federal resources.
- March 23: All College employees began to work from home
- March 23: Student Support Services began remote delivery
- March 23–27: Extended Student Spring Break (faculty use this time to move course instruction to an online delivery method)
- March 28: Online learning begins for the remainder of the Spring Semester for all students in all programs.
Courses Transitioned to Online site as well as
Available Resources site are places for students to go for help.
- May 6: Last day of the Spring Semester
Where to find information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Wed, 3/18/2020 - RCSJ Campuses Closing EOD 3/18
The Medical Advisory Group at Rowan College of South Jersey continues to meet on a regular basis to review updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as from county, state and federal resources. The situation continues to change on a daily basis. On Monday, March 16, New Jersey Governor Murphy signed
Executive Order No. 104 announcing plans for
“aggressive and direct social distancing action." RCSJ is following that order and details on our actions are below.
College Closure
- At the end of the business day, Wednesday, March 18, all RCSJ locations will be closed until further notice.
- There will be extreme limitations on essential personnel who will be permitted limited access to the campus one day a week in order to conduct specific business that cannot be performed remotely. Each of those spaces will be
cleaned following CDC guidelines and then locked down until the following week.
College Calendar as of 03/17/2020
March 16–April 30: All events at all RCSJ locations are postponed
March 16–April 30: RCSJ Medical Advisory Group continues to meet, but virtually, to monitor the situation in order to make further decisions, which will be informed by the College Emergency Operation Plan and county, state and federal resources.
March 16–21: Spring Break (students and faculty)
March 18: All RCSJ locations close until further notice at the end of business
March 19–20: Scheduled College Break/Holiday
March 23: All College employees begin to work from home
March 23–27: Extended Student Spring Break (faculty use this time to move course instruction to an online delivery method)
March 28: Online learning begins for the remainder of the Spring Semester. Some special cohorts such as Nursing and AutoTech will follow learning guidelines set by that department. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate Dean.
Nursing: Dr. Susan Hall ([email protected])
AutoTech: Dr. Patricia Claghorn ([email protected]) -
May 6: Last day of the Spring Semester
Online Courses and Student Resources
- If you are already taking an online-only course, please note they will continue to meet as scheduled through the extended Student Spring Break week.
- All courses will resume online Saturday, March 28 through the end of the semester on May 6.
- contains instructions for students to access their courses that have been transitioned to Online Instruction. Students will also find helpful information about the transition as well as contact information.
- All student support services have been transitioned to an online delivery. Information can be found at
Where to find information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Mon, 3/16/2020 - Affordable Access to Internet/Computers
Affordable Devices
Below is a list of information publicly available to assist anyone impacted by shutdowns from COVID-19. RCSJ does not endorse, nor receive any benefit from the companies listed.
Internet Access
Below is a list of information publicly available to assist anyone impacted by shutdowns from COVID-19. RCSJ does not endorse, nor receive any benefit from the companies listed.
Comcast Internet Essentials
- Public Comcast Wi-Fi hotspots are available for anyone.
- Comcast is offering 2 months free to new Internet Essentials customers in response to recent and anticipated emergency measures associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). To qualify, you must meet one of the requirements below:
The College recommends that students who are interested act quickly as installation may take up to 7-days. - MEDICAID: card or most recent eligibility letter for an adult in your household.
- Public housing assistance: documentation such as your lease, housing assistance payment (HAP) contract, or eligibility documentation from HUD.
- SNAP: letter indicating you are approved for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.
- TANF: eligibility letter for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
- SSI: eligibility letter for Supplemental Security Income.
- NSLP/Head Start: copy of a letter indicating current participation in the National School Lunch Program or Head Start, with your child's name, the school name, and the address of where you are requesting service.
- LIHEAP: letter confirming your eligibility for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
- WIC: eligibility letter for the Women, Infants, and Children program.
- VA PENSION: veterans pension eligibility determination letter from the Veterans Administration.
- Tribal assistance eligibility letter, including TTANF, FDPIR, etc.
AT&T will provide unlimited AT&T mobile data for the next 60 days
- AT&T will not terminate the service of any wireless customer because of their inability to pay their bill due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Public AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots will be available for anyone
T-Mobile / MetroPCS
T-Mobile will provide unlimited data for all customers with data plans for the next 60 days (excluding roaming).
- T-Mobile customers will receive an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot and tethering service for the next 60 days
Unlimited data for all customers with data plans for the next 60 days at no extra cost beginning 3/19/2020.
- An additional 20GB of mobile hotspot data per month for 60 days at no extra cost.
- Customers (with mobile hotspot-capable handsets who don’t have mobile hotspot on their plan) will now receive 20GB per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.
- Sprint will not terminate service if they are unable to pay their Sprint bill because of the coronavirus, and will waive late fees incurred because of economic circumstances related to the pandemic.
RCSJ Facilities
- Students with slow data connections or who may not qualify for Internet Essentials, RCSJ has expanded network access to include some parking lots for drive-up computing. Students will be able to use their device on RCSJ Wi-Fi from their vehicle to maintain social distancing.
Fri, 3/13/2020 - FAQ Coming Soon
The College understands the decision to transition all face-to-face and hybrid courses to online instruction has promoted many excellent questions. We take them very seriously and are formulating an FAQ document that will be shared on this page early next week. Once it is complete, we will share the link through email as well as on our social media channels. Have a safe Spring Break.
Where to find information
- This pagewill be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
- contains instructions for students to access their courses that have been transitioned to Online. Students will also find helpful information about the transition as well as contact information.
Thu, 3/12/2020 - Announcement on Course Delivery
Rowan College of South Jersey continues to monitor the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updates, while collaborating with county, state and federal resources as well as our Premier Partner, Rowan University.
The College has made the decision to transition all face-to-face and hybrid courses to online instruction for the remainder of the Spring 2020 Semester for the safety of our campus community.
All course instruction will take place online on March 28
- All face-to-face and hybrid classes will transition to Online Instruction beginning Saturday, March 28 through the end of the semester on May 6.
- contains instructions for students to access their courses that have been transitioned to Online Instruction. Students will also find helpful information about the transition as well as contact information.
- Rowan College of South Jersey will extend the Student Spring Break. It will run March 16–27, 2020. Face-to-face and hybrid classes will not be held during this time so they can be transitioned to online instruction.
Courses will resume Saturday, March 28 using online instruction.
- For courses that meet
online only, they will continue to meet as scheduled through the additional Spring Break week, March 23–27.
- The semester itself is not being extended. We will continue to end the semester as scheduled on May 6.
Campus Resources Remain Available
- The College will remain open for all services including tutoring and advisement, however, the College is already scheduled to be closed on Thursday, March 19 as well as Friday, March 20.
- Students are welcome to come to the college to use resources such as computers, printers and Wi-Fi in our Open Computer Labs and Libraries.
- The Radio, Television & Film (RTF) and Computer Graphic Arts (CGA) labs will remain accessible as Open Computer labs for students enrolled in CGA and RTF courses.
- In accordance with health care recommendations the college has elevated the level of cleaning throughout the campuses.
Nursing Students
- Students will attend theory class online the week after Spring Break.
- Faculty will communicate regarding exams.
- However, students scheduled for small group instruction such as labs and clinical should report as assigned.
- Small group is defined as a class or group with less than 15 students enrolled.
- Per the State and local health departments; if anyone has a cough, fever, chills, stay home and be sure to communicate with the instructor as defined in program handbooks.
Rowan Choice Students
- Rowan University Residence Halls and Dining Halls on the Glassboro campus will remain open for students who need to stay on campus.
- Students should alert Rowan University's Office of Residential Learning and University Housing as to their plans to leave or remain on the Glassboro campus.
- It is recommended that students who are leaving campus bring their academic materials such as books and laptops with them so they can complete their Online Instruction.
- We strongly suggest that all members of the RCSJ community reconsider any upcoming domestic travel, especially to areas where there has been a significant incidence of COVID-19.
- Any member of our community returning from a country designated Level 3 by the CDC is required to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to campus.
- An additional message will be sent to College employees with information for the extended week, as well as other concerns.
RCSJ Alert System: Update your contact information
Please take the time to review and update your emergency contact information.
Cumberland Campus:
Where to find information
- This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
- contains instructions for students to access their courses that have been transitioned to Online. Students will also find helpful information about the transition as well as contact information.
Wed, 3/11/2020 - Update Regarding Spring Break
The Medical Advisory Group at Rowan College of South Jersey continues to meet on a regular basis to review updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as from county, state and federal resources.
Spring Break
- Rowan College of South Jersey will extend the Student Spring Break. It will run March 16–27, 2020. Face-to-face and hybrid classes will not be held during this time. Courses will resume Saturday, March 28.
- For courses that meet online-only, they will continue to meet as scheduled the additional Spring Break week, March 23–27.
- Faculty will use the additional week to prepare for the potential of flexible delivery of education such as online.
- The College will remain open for all services, however, please note the College is already scheduled to be closed on Thursday, March 19 as well as Friday, March 20.
- The semester itself is not being extended. We will continue to end the semester as scheduled on May 6.
Campus Activities and Facility Usage
- All campus activities and facility usage are being evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- The Fitness Centers will be closed through the extended Student Spring Break.
- No new non-essential events are to be scheduled until further notice.
- Athletic directors are instructed to follow the guidance of their respective athletic conferences.
- We strongly suggest that all members of the RCSJ community reconsider any upcoming domestic travel, especially to areas where there has been a significant incidence of COVID-19.
- Any member of our community returning from a country designated Level 3 by the CDC is required to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to campus.
A separate message will be sent to the College employees with information for the extended week, as well as other concerns.
RCSJ Alert System: Update your contact information
Please take the time to review and update your information.
Instructions for the Gloucester Campus:
Instructions for the Cumberland Campus:
Where to find information
This page will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Mon, 3/9/2020- Cumberland Cafe to minimize the threat of COVID-19
The self serve soup has been eliminated and put it behind the line to limit handling. We have stationed sanitizer wipes at every station and staff has been instructed to wipe down their areas at least every 30 minutes and/or after a large crowd has come through. This will include but is not limited to handles on utensil dispensers, condiment dispensers, coffee urns and cappuccino dispensers, soda machines, door handles, tables, and countertops. We will request that customers not bring in reusable cups or reuse cups that have been purchased from us previously. For customers who frequently come in to refill their cups with water, we will offer a complimentary, disposable cup to fill instead of a cup that may have been used. The self serve salad bar has been replaced with pre-made salad options. This would limit customer contact. The CulinArt Team is knowledgeable in personal hygiene and sanitation standards. Fri, 3/6/2020- Team Monitoring Situation
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to monitor the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and provides updates through their website. Rowan College of South Jersey has a team of administrators monitoring these updates, as well as from county, state and federal resources. In an effort to keep you informed, below is an update of actions and recommendations to date.
Cleaning and access to cleansers In addition to the regular cleaning schedule, RCSJ is working to protect employees and students by wiping down all “touch" surfaces two to three times a day with disinfectant. These areas include, but are not limited to; door handles and push plates, tabletops and vending machine controls.
The College has ordered dispensing units of hand disinfectant to be placed just outside of every restroom on campus for common use. Dispensing units already in place will be checked to ensure they are full. In anticipation of increased use, disinfectant refills, toilet seat covers and hand soap have been ordered to keep facilities stocked.
RCSJ Alert System: Update your contact information
RCSJ has an alert system to keep you informed of pertinent information such as closures. Please take the time to review and update your information. Instructions for both campuses can be found below.
Cumberland Campus:
Where to find information
This site will be kept updated with announcements from the College. The page also has links to the CDC as well as local and state Departments of Health.
Tue, 2/25/20- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) issues update
View Update about the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
We want to assure the College community that our team is monitoring developments on a daily basis, and administrators are using county, state and federal resources to ensure the latest information and advice about the spread of the virus. Department heads are also reviewing and updating emergency protocols to implement if the situation escalates and the CDC recommends further measures.
Below is important information to consider, particularly for those who plan to travel over spring break:
- Stay alert to changes and developments that may affect your plans. Travel warnings are being issued and updated every week.
- Avoid personal non-essential travel to China and South Korea, countries categorized as Level 3. If traveling to Japan, Iran and Italy — Level 2 countries — the CDC encourages the use of enhanced precautions. The CDC also recommends that all travelers reconsider cruise ship voyages into or within Asia at this time.
- Popular U.S. destinations experience a surge of visitors this time of year. Health and safety precautions are encouraged, such as avoiding contact with sick people and cleaning hands often by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% to 95% alcohol.
Special precautions
If you feel ill with flu-like respiratory symptoms after traveling abroad, please self-quarantine and immediately contact your primary care physician. Although the CDC has said the risk here in the U.S. still remains low, the College encourages everyone to practice good hygiene such as avoiding contact with sick people and cleaning hands often by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60% to 95% alcohol. Appropriate precautions will be taken on each campus to ensure the health and safety of faculty, staff and students.
Stop the Spread